Find answers to the age old questions: What do Japanese people eat other than sushi? What is wabi sabi? Why are there so few garbage bins in Japan and yet everywhere is so clean? How do Japanese people stay so slim? Why is the cherry blossom the essence of the Japanese aesthetic?
I write about Japanese cuisine, manners and concepts as well as travel adventures throughout Wakayama, the "hidden gem" of Japan. Learn why it has become the number one location for Japanese travellers. What is it about Wakayama that makes it such a desirable “off the beaten path” travel destination?
Unless you are at a festival or a public market like Nishiki in Kyoto, it is impolite to drink beverages or eat snacks while walking down the street in Japan. Items purchased at vending machines should be immediately consumed as there are garbage cans and recycling bins nearby. Otherwise, Japanese people do not eat or drink on public transportation. Trains are a different story as there are foldable trays to eat from as well as a garbage receptacle near the exit. Again, all garbage must be taken away from your seat.
Grilled onigiri from street seller near Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto