What are Important Japanese Concepts?

Why do Japanese people live so long? Why do the Japanese think that forests can heal us? Why are Japanese so slim? These questions and more are answered by exploring different concepts that are idiosyncratic to Japanese culture and society and that form the very basis of their ideal of beauty, health, art, architecture, and landscape design. Understanding basic concepts such as “wabi sabi” or “hara hachi bu” can greatly enrich the experience of the western visitor.

Why do Japanese live so long?

What is Wabi Sabi?

What is Shinrin Yoku?

Why are Japanese so slim?

How should I greet a Japanese person?

Why do Japanese wear so many Uniforms?

Why do Japanese give so many gifts?

Why is Hello Kitty so popular?


Why do Japanese wrap everything?

Why do Japanese pay so much Attention to Detail?

Why do Japanese worship trees and rocks?

What is the difference between Shinto and Buddhism?